I forgot how easy the patterns that say "Easy" are. I have worn this dress twice (in two days) already and think I might need at least one more.
I have been sitting on both McCall's 6503 and this fabric for awhile. I bought this fabric with my Mood Groupon. Thank you Mood! (And happy birthday Swatch!) I was going to use it for the Knock off contest, but stuff came up. I do love it for this dress.

I made the version above on the upper right hand side. It was so easy. I think it took about 2 hours to sew, but I did cut out the fabric about two weeks ago. I can't remember how long that took.
I know, you got tricked into looking at my butt again! I have to quit doing that... I wanted to show you the pleats instead of a gathered waist. The version I made had a skirt with two pleats on both sides of both the front and back of the skirt. I like that. Pleats are so simple and sleek!
I did tack the bodice together to prevent myself from exposure. Also, on this dress there is a side zipper. I did not have one that matched exactly, so I got adventurous and basted the side closed... I was able to wiggle into it! This dress has no closures. I love when that works out.
On my next version I may shorten the bodice about a half inch. I feel like it doesn't hit me at my waist very well leaving me looking chunkier than usual. In this picture though it is not that bad. I also used eyelet on this dress and did not underline it. I have slips in tons of colors and thought it would be fun to mix it up depending on my mood in letting different colors show underneath. This is my favorite summer dress at the moment. Until I make the next one. Have you noticed that about me?