Hello readers! In Stacie's absence (vacation, where she is showing off her pink beach cover up and making everyone jealous) she asked me to contribute to the blog and write about the Anthro-Inspired dress we made. First, Stacie gets credit for finding this amazing tutorial via Sarah on the Sew Weekly during embellishment week. It was so easy to follow along with and for any budding sewers out there, I would recommend this project right up there with the Simplicity skirt we made.
Here is a link to the tutorial.

Also, I have to cop to buying ALL the elastic in Jo-Anns, on accident of course. Stacie and I shopped the 4th of July sale and I accidently bought the whole roll of elastic we needed for this project. My bad. I was so excited to make this dress that I went home and made 2 since the first one was so easy. Stacie followed suit and before you know it, we're obsessing over this project like we did on the Simplicity skirt a la making 4 and 5 at a time!
Here is a link to the tutorial.

The first one took me about 2 hours because I did the lace detail. The second one, without the lace detail took me about an hour and a half. I also had some machine issues when I was sewing on the elastic. I had to do some creative sewing to cover up my mistakes on the first dress, you'll notice the elastic band is smaller than the second dress, despite using elastic from the same roll. On the second dress, my machine was throwing up thread all over my stitches so I went back over it with a "decorative" stitch (zig zag was the only thing that could cover up what my machine did) which ended up working out.
Here is Stacie's creation, made with a gray seersucker material. Overall, a very cute dress that is casual but still looks good. I will definitely be making another one! I already have plans for a maxi-version with this lovely silk fabric I picked up...
Very cute! I adore that they look like a shirt tucked into a skirt. :)